Sunday, March 1, 2009

The White Lotus and a Clinic visit

Ohh white lotus.. doesn't it look fabulous? Snapped it at one of the shop lots in Sri Petaling while waiting for my turn at the clinic.. my knee was injured from continuous cardio exercise.. plus the fact that I felt down yesterday added to the injury. The doctor advised me not to go to the gym for at least a week.. and that's not a good sign for me.. I'm starting to think that I'm accident prone, therefore I need to be very2 careful not to get into trouble.. haiyooo.. terrible laaa!The white lotus again.. Adoring the flower, why, some may ask? Yes I was sentimental.. but with the radiant white flower like this.. who doesn't get carried away? Planned to get one for my home.. and I will get one.. soon.. very2 soon.. heheheh!

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