Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Storyteller.. is it a gift, or you can learn the art?
I have a few friends who're very good at telling stories.. rest assured, when these peeps starts opening their mouth, many people will be listening and laughing non stop.. My friend is such a story teller I think she made the story more interesting than the real situation.. An officemate is another example of a great storyteller we all glued to our seats listening to his story.. and a few others too tell great stories and never fail to make people laugh.. Me on the other hand, always like to observe.. and not a good story teller at all.. jeles betul laaa.. seriously I am! my boss once stressed on the importance of being a storyteller in our presentation, and even the Influencer program that I attended also stated that in order for you to influence people to change, you must be a good story teller.. then how? WHat about me? Can I learn that arts of great storytelling? Tried to google about it, and found loads of ways and tips to be a good storyteller.. let's see whether this is gonna be effective..How to Become a Master in Telling a Good Tale
1. The best way to teach others the art of storytelling is to become a storyteller yourself. By fitting your reading style to the characters in the story, you present the character's personality to your audience in a realistic way. You'll also find your reading of the story much more enjoyable.

2. Consider the time period and read the characters' parts according to the time. For example, a more formal period in history, such as the Victorian era may require a more formal stance in your diction.

3. Change your tone when reading the narrative portion of the text. Granted you still need to be somewhat enthusiastic in your reading; however, you cannot keep the same voice you use for your characters when presenting your characters' personalities as is used for your narrative. Your narrative presents information about what is happening as well as describing the characters' features.

4. The following technique has always worked for me especially when reading narrative as well as the conversation of several different characters. Stand in front of a mirror and pretend you are looking out at your audience. Read to your audience. If it is a mixed audience of adults and children and the story is primarily for children then read toward the level of the child. When reading to adults use tones of general conversation amongst characters and less facial expression. Read the narrative in a matter of fact way, as if you were reading the story to yourself. The age of the audience as well as the story line will determine how much facial animation is needed-generally, much more for children and less for adults.

5. Turn on PBS and watch Sesame Street. Observe how the characters talk to one another. In like manner, you should bring the same amount of fun to the stories you tell children.

6. For adults, watch some classic and current movies. Observe how the characters converse and inter-relate with one another. When you read, read as if you were playing each of the characters' parts in a movie or show. Read your narrative speaking each word as clearly and concisely as possible. Make certain your overall tonal quality, especially when reading to an adult audience is clear and crisp.

7. Listen to book tapes while driving or walking. Notice how the narrative is delivered and how the reader portrays the characters as well as reads each part.

8. Add bright facial expressions when reading to children. Look around the room and tell the tale, looking at individual members of the audience. If you are uncomfortable looking directly at your audience members, look just above the top of their heads. This will give the impression you are looking directly at them.

9. Memorize most of your story, especially when speaking to a group. Use the story itself only as a guide.

10. Practice your storytelling to members of your family as well as to your friends. Ask for constructive feedback from family and friends you find reliable.

11. Tape record yourself so you know how you sound.

nahhh... ambik kau! byknya tips on being a good stoyteller.. thanks to e-how.com.. so it can be learnt.. but those who I kenal.. definitely doesn't need this as they are all the natural storytellers.. and rest assured.. people always look forward to hear them with their ever interesting stories.. including me.. heheheh

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