Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I just like Kuching town.. simply penenang jiwa.. no matter how many times datang sini pun, still tak jemu2 dgn the ambience, the scenery, the people, well.. everything lahhh! Takmo cerita banyak, just wanna share some photos of the town.. peaceful!Wahhh.. siap ada pengantin dok posing tepi Waterfront tuuuu.. Tok Mat dgn Mak Long berposing tepi sungai diwaktu senja.. priceless la gambo ni.. heheh!dan malam pun menjelma.. and the scenery waktu malam pulak di Waterfront tu.. sambil test2 camera baruku.. heheheh! and the town pun dah macam pekan tinggal, kannn?
Cuma satu je yg kurang.. halal food is quite hard to find especially in Kuching town, that's what my parents told me.. and to make it harder, abah is really choosy about the food here.. letih nak melayan.. heheheh! but takpa laaaa.. as long as they're happy, ikutkan lahhh! Well, one has to go to Petrajaya side, especially along Jalan Astana to get good food.. and again I got myself my all time favorite, Laksa Sarawak.. simply amazing.. sedap tak terkata! and I can go on and on with Laksa Sarawak, although mak said rasanya macam rempah orang beranak... Hahahahahahah! macam2 laaaa..

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