Friday, April 16, 2010


I'm quite busy setting up and updating stuff this whole week.. simply because of this morning's event.. It's only a 20 pax of participants for the session, but the effort's like forever.. not that I'm complaining or have no experience in it.. Well, I used to managed with a team, an event with about 400 participants in 2 sessions, in a Multipurpose Hall with only 3 of us being all rounder.. so this event is rather small and should be manageable! Since I'm in a new project, it seems to give me quite a culture shock after 10 years of working.. seems like everything is reversed to 10 years back, where fax and phone calls are the medium of communication, formal letter is required for all the events, email doesn't seem to be the No.1 formal communication medium in daily work related matters.. and it took forever to get decisions from anybody here.. and everyone works in silo.. culture shock dowhhh! I don't know why.. may be it's me, and I should be able to adapt to it quick.. and back to the event, may be I need to write a post mortem report to the team, and find ways to ensure the future event is smooth sailing..
Nevertheless, I'm happy that the event is successful and we managed to get full participation from all for the event.. I'm happy!

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