Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Abah's still in the hospital, and I can see that his condition is improving. He is still stuck in 3rd class awaiting for the 1st class room availability . So I hafta head back to kl to work again, but a day in a hospital taking care of him really freaks me out.. There are so many sick people around, some of them are in a critical condition, just waiting got their time to go.. The GH really looks like a battlefield with so little staff, and so many patients.. Late treatment, slow feedback etc..Now I understand why some said that going to GH is like giving up ur life.. But to be fair too, I can see that those staff are doing their best to cater for so many patients, so if u r covered for private hospital, just go there aa the company pays for it, and stop comparing those private hospitals with GH and stop complaining that the nurses are not efficient. memang macam langit dengan bumi! those yang tak mampu will go there for treatment. I can see they are working their ass off to do what they can .. So many critical cases they hafta handle and prioritise.. And not enough staff to handle all these situation .. All the disadvantages they hafta go through to make sure everything is in place.. ehhh.. banyak la pulak mumbling kan.. heheh..
Anyway, just hope abah gets well soon and can get out from there asap..

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