Monday, December 12, 2011


A long weekend.. and i need to go back to Penang again.. this time to attend my cousin, Akmal's wedding.. not such much thing to do as most of the preparations have been taken care of.. bunga pahar for pelamin needs to be settled, pelamin is ready, khemah and stuff is also ready.. just need to help up with signage and stuff.. and as usual, the ever popular question pops up again and again by relatives and friends.. bila nak kawin? naik fedup dah nak jawab soalan sama.. hope god has that in plan for me, else, stay solo je la.. baik makan dulu lauk pengantin.. hehehe.. larikkk!anyway.. not too late to wish the bride and groom, Akmal and Zetty.. Congrats and Selamat Pengantin Baru to both of you.. semoga jodoh berkekalan and bahagia ke akhir hayat.. heheh..
Hurmmm.. I wonder when my turn will be?

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